Protect your kids with free routine immunisations
Childhood immunisation is a safe, free and effective way to protect your kids from serious diseases. On time vaccination will give your child the best protection.
Childhood immunisation schedule
The childhood immunisation schedule outlines the recommended vaccines for your child from birth to age 4.
Your questions answered
Learn more about childhood immunisation with answers to some common questions. There is plenty of reliable information available to help you decide. You can also talk with a trusted doctor, nurse, or health worker if you have any concerns.
Dr Jana Pittman is a former Australian Olympic athlete and is now a women’s health doctor. As a busy mum of 6 children, Jana tells us how she protects her kids from vaccine-preventable disease with childhood immunisations from the perspective of a mother and a medical professional.
Getting vaccinated
Find out where to get your free vaccinations, what to expect at your appointment and information about possible side effects.
Information for health professionals
Information to support vaccination providers deliver immunisation services to your patients is available on the department's website.