Routine Childhood Immunisation – Why timing is important

This video explains why timely childhood vaccination is important to protect your child from serious illness. It explains the safety and effectiveness of each vaccine, how many doses are required for full protection, and the age at which vaccines provide the best protection.


Australia's National Immunisation Program provides free vaccines for babies and children scheduled at specific times during the first 4 years of life.

The childhood immunisation schedule is carefully chosen and based on extensive research. It's important to vaccinate children on time to give the best protection against diseases.

Skipping or delaying vaccinations means children are unprotected for longer than they need to be.

The childhood immunisation schedule takes into account which diseases Australian children are likely to encounter, how serious the diseases can be at different ages, the safety and effectiveness of each vaccine, how many doses are required for full protection, and the age at which vaccines provide the best protection.

For more information, visit or talk to your health professional.

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