Routine Childhood Immunisation – Simple and safe

Routine childhood immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way to protect children against serious preventable diseases. This video explains the importance of having high immunisation rates, vaccine safety and the immune system’s natural response to the vaccine.


Routine childhood immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting children from serious preventable diseases.

Vaccines are given to millions of people in Australia and billions of people worldwide to prevent infectious diseases.

Many of the diseases we vaccinate against are rare because we keep vaccinating against them.

To keep infectious diseases like diphtheria, polio and measles from returning, we need to keep our immunisation rates high.

All vaccines in Australia have been tested to ensure they're safe and effective before being approved.

Vaccines continue to be checked for safety once in use.

Most of the side effects associated with vaccines are minor, and usually go away within a few days.

These are part of the immune system’s natural response to the vaccine.

The protective benefits of vaccination far outweigh the potential risks, and serious side effects are very rare.

For more information, visit or talk to your health professional.

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