vaccines are important for babies and
children because they're a safe simple
and effective way to protect the baby
and child against vaccine preventable
diseases for example common childhood
ones like chickenpox measles months
rubella and whooping cough we decided to
get our children vaccinated just because
it's the simplest and safest way to
protect them from diseases I decided to
get my child vaccinated today because
it's a very important making sure our
little vulnerable children are safe
against disease the national
immunization program it does have key
dates and they are really important to
have the immunization on time we know
that there's a schedule with key dates
for vaccinations and we wanted to make
sure that we keep our children up to
date so we follow the schedule and make
sure that both of our kids are up to
date with their immunizations this is my
second baby and I just forgot actually
to do it at six months and now she's
nine months old but just remember that I
was meant to get one the material Health
Center nurse checked in I didn't realize
I hadn't done it if a parent or Cara
means is their immunization appointment
it's not too late to ever get a baby or
child up to date with the vaccines just
speak with your GP Maternal Child health
nurse or immunization nurse to get them
back on track if any parents have any
questions about vaccinations and we've
done this before we talked to your gpe
and make sure that you're getting the
answers from a professional and expert
these vaccinations have been going on
for a really long time so there's good
reason for that it's very safe and
effective we have had no trouble with
either of our children getting
vaccinated before I think it's always
better to to do a quick vaccination than
to have them be sick with something more
serious there's no need to be unsure
it's a safe thing it needs to be done to
keep your child safe it helps the
community not only for our children but
also it helps not spread anything else
to other kids as well if you were unsure
about getting your child immunized I
would recommend that you speak to your
local GP Maternal Child health nurse
immunization nurse or other health care
provider to discuss your concerns