Why are childhood immunisations so important?
Everyone wants their bubbies and littlies not to get sick.
One way we can help them stay healthy is with free childhood immunisations.
Different immunisations are recommended between birth and age 4 that will help protect kids from lots of serious diseases.
How do immunisations help keep them healthy?
Immunisations work like a shield protecting them against diseases. These diseases can be really dangerous and make little ones very sick or cause long-term health problems or even death.
How does it help the rest of the community?
If a child is immunised there’s less of a chance of them getting very sick and spreading the diseases to others.
When lots of people get vaccinated it helps protect the whole community, which is really important, it can help protect bubbas who are too young, and others in the community who are too sick to be vaccinated themselves.
I’m worried about what I’m giving to my kids.
It’s completely natural to be worried about anything you’re giving your kids.
But vaccines in Australia have been carefully tested and over generations serious diseases like polio and diphtheria have almost completely disappeared here, thanks to lots of us getting vaccinated.
I’ve heard it’s important that kids get their immunisations on time. What do I do if I’ve missed one?
It’s important to follow the Childhood Immunisation Schedule.
This tells you what vaccines your child needs and when.
But if your little one has missed something, it’s easy to catch up.
Don’t worry, just talk to your doctor or health worker, and we’ll help you get your kids’ immunisations up to date.
Will it hurt? What do I do if my kids are scared?
It’s natural for kids to be a bit nervous at immunisation time, but we can help distract them and keep them feeling okay.
Immunisations may hurt a tiny bit, like a pin prick, but it happens fast. And if they get a reaction, it’s usually mild and doesn’t last too long.
What if I have more questions?
You can always talk with parents and Elders about their own vaccination experiences.
And doctors and health workers understand that you might have questions and we’re here to help answer them, no matter how big or small.
It’s important to yarn so we can help keep the next generation of us mob safe.
Have a yarn to your doctor or health worker about free routine childhood immunisation or visit health.gov.au/childhoodimmunisation for more information.
It’s just one more way we keep our little ones safe.