What we do

We work to deliver an affordable, quality health and aged care system and better health, ageing and sport outcomes for all Australians.

Our vision is better health and wellbeing for all Australians, now and for future generations.

We aim to achieve our vision through evidence-based policy, well targeted programs and best practice regulation.

Our strategic priorities include:

  • better health and ageing outcomes for all Australians
  • an affordable, quality health and aged care system
  • better sport outcomes.

See our Corporate Plan for full details on our purpose and priorities.

Our work involves the following:

  • Awareness and education

    We provide information and advice to the Australian community on health, ageing and aged care topics and issues.
  • Consultation and engagement

    We work with stakeholders including members of the public, other government agencies, peak bodies and service providers.
  • Grants and tenders

    We manage tenders and grants to deliver activities, goods and services.
  • Initiatives and programs

    We work on initiatives and programs to deliver services and activities in health, aged care and sport.
  • Legislation we administer

    The Health and Aged Care portfolio administers laws on behalf of our ministers. 
  • Policy

    We identify and investigate issues and develop policy to provide the best possible solutions to challenges across health, ageing and aged care, and sport.
  • Regulation and compliance

    We regulate the health and aged care system to protect your health and safety.
  • Research

    We use research to make sure our ideas are sound and that you receive the best possible treatment and care.
Date last updated:

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