Australian Government response to the Mental Health and Suicide Prevention – Final Report
Government response to inquiry
This is the government response to the final report on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention report.
Screen Me stakeholder toolkit for health organisations
This stakeholder toolkit contains key messages, social content, images, and editorial content regarding cervical screening for women and people with disability that can be used directly, or adapted or edited for external channels.
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – Information booklet
This booklet provides information about the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. It tells you about bowel cancer, the screening process and what happens after you get your results. You can order printed copies of this resource.
Screen Me stakeholder toolkit for disability organisations
This stakeholder toolkit contains key messages, social content, images, and editorial content regarding cervical screening for women and people with disability that can be used directly, or adapted or edited for external channels.
Evaluation of the Eating Disorders Medicare Benefit Schedule Items 2024
This report provides an independent evaluation of the Eating Disorders Medicare Benefits Schedule items 2024.
Facts about smoking and how to quit
Fact sheet
Learn more about the harms of smoking, how to quit and support options to help you keep at quitting.
Facts about vaping and how to quit fact sheet
Fact sheet
Learn more about the harms of vaping, how to quit and support options to help you keep at quitting
Newborn bloodspot screening variant fact sheet
Fact sheet
The list of variants for sickle cell disease, beta thalassemia and other hemoglobinopathies are captured in this resource.
PIC – Supply and pathology analysis of immunochemical faecal occult blood tests for National Bowel Cancer Screening
Public interest certificate
This public interest certificate (PIC) relates to the following tender: Supply and Pathology Analysis of Immunochemical Faecal Occult Blood Tests for National Bowel Cancer Screening.
Yarning about Aboriginal Women’s Health Business
This video highlights the importance of cervical screening and supporting women to take control of their own health.
Screen Me: short film on cervical screening for people with disability [with audio description]
Screen Me! encourages people with disability to do their cervical screening. The short film was made for and by people with disability.
Becky Freeman: Give up vaping for good – support services
Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains some of the health risks associated with vaping and what support services are available to help you give up for good.
Becky Freeman: Give up vaping for good – health risks
Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains some of the health risks associated with vaping and why you should make that quit attempt.
Megan Varlow – Give up smoking for good
Megan Varlow is the Director of Cancer Control Policy at Cancer Council Australia. Watch as she talks about the health benefits of quitting smoking and what support services are available to help you give up for good.
Megan Varlow: Give up smoking for good – health benefits
Megan Varlow is the Director of Cancer Control Policy at Cancer Council Australia. Watch as she talks about the health benefits of quitting smoking.
Becky Freeman – Give up vaping for good
Associate Professor Becky Freeman explains the health risks associated with vaping and what support services are available to help you give up for good.
Adult Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) – Annual Health Assessment for People with Intellectual Disability
The Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) is an evidence-based tool for conducting annual health assessments for people with intellectual disability in Australia. This version is for adults, people aged 18 years and older.
Megan Varlow: Give up smoking for good – support services
Megan Varlow is the Director of Cancer Control Policy at Cancer Council Australia. Watch as she talks about the different support services available to help you give up smoking for good.
How to collect your own sample (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women)
This procedure helps Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women understand how to take their own vaginal sample for a Cervical Screening Test.
Don’t stop trying – Sarah’s journey
Hear Sarah’s story as she shares her journey to quit smoking and offers advice for others looking to do the same – don’t stop trying.
Sarah's quitting journey – Case study
Case study
Sarah started smoking at the age of 14 and finally quit at 41, with more than a few quit attempts along the way. Read Sarah's case study to learn more about her quitting journey.
How I quit smoking for good – Sarah’s journey
Join Sarah as she shares her journey to quit smoking and the challenges she faced along the way. She talks about the strategies that helped her succeed and offers tips for anyone trying to quit.
Breaking habits – Sarah’s journey
Join Sarah as she shares her journey to quit smoking. She talks about the strategies that helped her break the habits that led to her smoking and offers tips for anyone trying to quit.
What worked for me – Sarah’s journey
Watch as Sarah shares her journey to quit smoking. She talks about the strategies, including medication, that helped her succeed and the financial benefits of quitting.
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – How to do the bowel test
Fact sheet
This is a visual guide to help people understand how to do the free bowel test.
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