Medicare Benefits – About Medicare Urgent Care Clinics – Sarah Hunstead Case Study

This video features health professional Sarah Hunstead talking about the features and benefits of Medicare Urgent Care Clinics.


My name's Sarah Hunstead. I'm a Paediatric Nurse and I teach families how to care for their children. 

The Medicare Urgent Care clinics are Australia-wide, and they're popping up more and more, and they're that gap between the emergency department and your GP. 

So for those illness and injuries that you need urgent care for, you can't wait for the GP, but are not severe enough to go to the emergency department. 

The types of conditions that you might go to the Medicare Urgent Care Clinic for are those minor injuries. 

It might be broken bones or cuts and lacerations that might need some stitches or glue or even minor infections, like an upper respiratory tract infection, or even a urinary tract infection.

So many of them have the facilities on site that can not only assess you, but treat you and refer you on if needed. You only need a Medicare card. 

You can walk in, you don't need an appointment and they're bulk billed, and they're open for extended hours and every day of the year. 

To find your nearest Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, visit For information about how Medicare can help you, visit

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