Shield yourself from shingles – Getting the shingles vaccine

If you’ve had chickenpox as a kid, you can get shingles as an adult. Adrian, from Bundjalung, Minjungbal, and Coodjinburra Country, shares his experience with shingles. The shingles vaccine is free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years or older.


Adrian (from Bundjalung, Minjungbal, and Coodingburra Country): 

I wouldn’t hesitate to have the vaccine. 

After having shingles for the second time and I’m only young. 

I’m only 60, 61 and the fact that I’ve had it twice is quite concerning. 

So, I’ll be one of the first ones to go get a vaccine to prevent any serious harm or pain to my body.

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If you’re 50 or older, shield yourself from shingles. 

Yarn with your health professional about your eligibility today.

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