الإنفلونزا التي تصيب الأطفال يمكن أن تكون خطيرة.

احمِ أطفالك الصغار بلقاح الإنفلونزا - إنه مجاني للأطفال من عمر 6 أشهر إلى أقل من 5 سنوات.


When it comes to the flu, sharing isn’t caring.

While the flu is common, it can be dangerous for children and can lead to hospitalisation. 

Immunisation is the best way to protect your little ones. 

Speak to your health professional.

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.

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This video, captioned in Arabic, encourages pregnant people to get a flu vaccination during their pregnancy, to protect them and their newborn for their first 6 months.

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