There is no shame in breastscreening.
Taking care of our health is an important part of self-care for us women, so we can continue to support our mob and community.
Sisters and aunties have shared their experiences of breast screening.
I just had a breast screen done at my local clinic.
So take the time to talk with your aunties and sisters about screening together.
You'll be surprised by how fast and easy screening is.
Call 132050 to find your nearest clinic and make an appointment.
Together we can empower each other to look after ourselves and stay healthy.
I was in and out of the truck in 20 minutes.
The staff were so caring, and I felt a deadly sense of achievement once it was done.
I know we're all busy supporting our families, and it can be hard to find time for ourselves, but breast screening is quick and gives me a peace of mind.
It didn't take too long, and the staff were so friendly and supportive.
I felt really comfortable.
You can also ask your health worker, nurse, or GP for more information.