Respite during COVID-19
We encourage residential aged care respite providers to continue accepting people who need residential respite care during a COVID-19 outbreak.
See more information about escalation tiers and aged care provider responses.
During a COVID-19 outbreak, you should:
- discuss the care needs with the client and their families
- help clients apply for approvals if they need to extend their respite care period.
Period of respite care and extensions
During a COVID-19 outbreak, a client may need to extend their stay in residential respite care.
If you are unable to submit a respite extension request through the service and support portal, seek help from an Aged Care Assessment Team.
Learn more about managing residential respite care.
COVID-19 resources for health professionals, including aged care providers, pathology providers and health care managers
Stay informed
To stay up to date on aged care and COVID-19:
Find the latest advice and resources in your state or territory from your local public health unit.