The Aboriginal Quitline helped Ted quit

Ted has given up with the help and support of the My QuitBuddy app and talking to Aboriginal counsellors on the Quitline. They help Ted say no when his band mates offer him a cigarette.


Voiceover: Me and my mates, we’ve played together for years.

We see the band members setting up their gear.

Voiceover: We’ve been to all sorts of places with our music.

Close ups of each of the men as they play their instruments.

Voiceover: There’s always heaps of laughs.

The boys share a laugh as they play.

Voiceover: I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything. That’s what I thought about when I quit smoking.

They stop for a break and eat pizza. Nick drums on a pizza box.

Voiceover: Sometimes I feel like a smoke again, but the longer I stay quit the easier it gets.

Justin offers Ted a smoke. He says no. Justin goes outside, the rest of the band stays inside and the fun continues.

Voiceover: I want to be around for all of the good times we have.

Ted walks over to his instrument and bag.

Voiceover: Quitting isn’t easy, but yarning with Terry from Quitline was great. It helped that he was an Aboriginal councillor too.

He takes his mobile out of the bag and talks to Terry from the Quitline.

Voiceover: My name is Ted, and friends and family are my story.

Ted pops the phone into his pocket. Ted says goodbye to the band mates as they go home.

Voiceover: Don’t make smokes your story. For help, download the MyQuitBuddy app, call the Quitline or visit quitnow.

Voiceover: Don’t make smokes your story

Federal Government logo, Quitline Logo and My QuitBuddy logo

Voiceover: Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.  

Authorised by the Australian Government, Canberra.  Spoken by F. Leone and R. Newth

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