My name’s John. Staying healthy is my story. I live in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, and I just work as an employment consultant, I get to help a lot of the locals around town, and yeah, it’s a really good job.
I probably started smoking, just to try it out, you know, when you socialise, that sort of thing, you just go for a pack of smokes, yeah. And then you know, once, after a few smokes you get hooked, and then it just becomes a normal thing, yeah.
I’d probably smoke about, oh, depends, maybe five, six smokes a day. I did see the effects, like walking up hills, you know, or playing sports. I just went to footy training, and just huffing and puffing, I felt like I was going to, yeah, pass out.
So I’ve given up smoking for about a week now. I’ve quit smoking a few times. This time I’m going to get some help from the Quit Now website and I’ll definitely speak to someone about setting up some sort of plan to help me stay off the smokes.
I feel a lot better without smoking, yeah, a lot more energy, a lot more enthusiasm, not just go outside and have a smoke, do something more productive, you know? You feel a lot fresher, a bit more energy, and you can do more, it just sends a good message to younger people, you know, or other family members to maybe encourage them to do the same thing.
What would I say to a smoker? Don’t make smokes your story.