Jethro and the Aboriginal Quitline

Jethro works for Quit Victoria and is keen to have a yarn with anybody who is thinking about quitting smoking.


Hi, I’m Jethro, I’m a proud Kungarakan and Iwaidja man from Northern Territory, and I live in Melbourne. I’m the Aboriginal Tobacco Control Program Co‑ordinator at Quit Victoria. My work involves promoting the Aboriginal Quitline to the Victorian Aboriginal community and to get as many people to call and feel comfortable when they call up.

When we’re out at events, we love for people to come up and have a chat with us. We just have a nice yarn and we can talk about whatever they want to talk about. If we can go out to the community and be a service that helps them and they feel trusted and know that everything they talk about with us is confidential, then it’s really good that we can provide that service for them.

Aboriginal Quitline is a culturally‑appropriate and confidential service for the Aboriginal community where they can chat to someone who may share the same experiences in life or may even have the same view on life as you. When you call 13 QUIT, request to speak to an Aboriginal quit specialist and you’ll be able to talk to one.

If you’re worried about calling the Quitline, what you can do is hop on the website, follow the links, and you can fill out a form where you can get someone to call you back.

One of the myths about the Quitline is that one of the quit specialists is going to get you to quit on the day, and that’s not the case at all. They’re just there to help you and listen to your story and have a yarn, really, about what you want to chat about. Whether you want to call for some extra information, whether it’s nicotine replacement therapy support, whether it’s information about what’s going on with taxes and cigarettes, there’s so much information that they’re able to provide to you.

If you want to increase your chances of quitting successfully, call us, and you’ll be surprised about how friendly and approachable we are.

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