Amanda gave up smoking for her daughter

Amanda was a very heavy smoker. She used patches to help her give up smoking.


My name is Amanda. My daughter, my health, and my fitness is my story. I started smoking when I was about 20. I’d smoke a packet a day. Social smoking turned into full‑time smoking. It’s just that same cycle. Everyone smokes. Why not?

When I quit smoking, I’d been down to the doctor, got a couple of patches. Willpower was the best way. I tend to not hang with people who smoke when we’re out socialising. I tend to go and have a dance rather than a smoke.

They say prevention is better than cure. It’s about breaking the chain. The best thing about quitting is knowing that I could push myself more in regards to fitness, knowing I can be healthier, and I can keep up with the kid.

I would let people know that smoking is bad. I’ve been down that track. I’m happy to quit because I know I’m doing the right thing not only by myself and my body but the others around me and the people that I influence as well.

I’ve decided not to make smokes my story. You can do it, too.

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