Commonwealth and NSW protocol to help manage a COVID-19 outbreak in a residential aged care facility in NSW

The Australian Government Department of Health, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the NSW Ministry of Health have agreed a joint approach to supporting residential aged care providers managing a COVID-19 outbreak.


Protocol to support joint management of a COVID-19 outbreak in a residential aged care facility (RACF) in NSW

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Publication date:
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Health sector

The Australian Government Department of Health, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission and the NSW Ministry of Health have agreed a joint approach to supporting residential aged care providers managing a COVID-19 outbreak.

The protocol will be used if one (or more) resident or staff member in the facility tests positive to COVID-19.

The protocol is principles-based and aims to:

  • make the roles and responsibilities of government agencies and the aged care provider clear
  • support the best possible care for all residents in the aged care facility where the outbreak occurs
  • contain and control the outbreak to bring it to an end as quickly and safely as possible

The protocol sets out:

  • governance structures
  • reporting and escalation procedures
  • expectations around information sharing and timeframes

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