2024–25 Budget

In the 2024–25 Budget, we are reinforcing the foundations that underpin quality aged care, reducing Home Care Package wait times, ensuring a well-resourced regulator, building the aged care workforce, delivering complex care to people with dementia, and preparing the sector for a new Aged Care Act.

2024–25 Budget: Reinforcing the foundations that underpin quality aged care

Older people, their families and carers will benefit from a quality aged care system, with faster access to in-home care, a strong workforce and better links between aged care and health systems.

The new Aged Care Act will put older people at the centre of aged care. It will also support the government’s response to the Aged Care Taskforce. These reforms are crucial to create a sustainable sector that delivers high quality care.

We are continuing to consult with older people, their families and carers, aged care providers and worker, and across the aged care sector to ensure there is broad support for reforms to improve the standard of aged care.

Reduce in-home care wait times

  • $531.4 million for extra Home Care Packages 

An extra 24,100 Home Care Packages in 2024–25 will support more Australians to access in-home aged care than ever before.

The extra packages will:

  • address Australia’s increasing demand for in-home aged care
  • help older people to remain independent, in their home and community for longer.

Effective regulation

  • $111.0 million over 4 years for implementing the new aged care regulatory framework and the final report of the capability review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) 

stronger regulatory framework and a well-resourced, capable regulator will protect older people accessing aged care services, and ensure a high standard of safe, quality care.

The ACQSC strengthened capability responds to the Independent Capability Review recommendations.

Aged care reform workforce initiatives

  • $88.4 million over 4 years to continue to attract and retain the aged care workforce 

We are committed to growing the workforce to meet the demands of Australia’s ageing population.

Improved staffing solutions will create better conditions for the aged care workforce and:

  • grow the home care workforce in regional, rural and remote areas, where shortages are the most acute
  • support better pathways for nurses in aged care.

Improving technology systems to deliver reform

  • $1.4 billion over 5 years to upgrade the technology systems and digital infrastructure across the sector.

This includes funding to maintain current systems and upgrade digital capability to comply with the new Aged Care Act. 

The new rights-based Aged Care Act will:

  • put older people at the centre of aged care
  • ensure people accessing aged care services get the respect and quality of care they deserve.

Connecting aged care and health systems

  • $190.0 million over 3 years to extend and review/redesign the Transition Care Programme 

The Transition Care Programme will be extended and reviewed to continue short-term care for older people recovering from a hospital stay.

Older people will get the health care and support they need in a safe and comfortable environment when it is not necessary for them to stay in hospital.

Supporting people living with dementia

  • $30.4 million over 3 years for to deliver the Specialist Dementia Care Program for clinical in reach support provided by states and territories
  • $56.8 million over 5 years to expand the Acute to Residential Care Transition Service for people living with dementia
  • $1.7 million in 2024–25 for continued support for the Australian Dementia Network 

Dementia continues to be the leading cause of disease burden in Australia for those aged over 65. 

People living with dementia will be supported to:

Australian Dementia Network researchers will continue to ready the health system for promising new dementia diagnostic and treatment options.

Cheaper medicines

  • $0.9 million to deliver the National Immunisation Program Vaccinations in Pharmacy Program

Aged care residents will get more options for free vaccines and the safest, most appropriate medication for their individual needs.

Aged care homes will be supported to improve links with community pharmacists to deliver vaccines.

Date last updated:

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