
Find fact sheets, posters, and videos about hearing health.

Information for the public

Irene’s hearing health story

Irene shares her experience with hearing health and the importance of booking a hearing check. Book a hearing check, talk to a health professional

Get help for your hearing health

Having a hearing test helps to detect the early signs of hearing loss, so we can keep our hearing healthy for longer. Get help for your hearing health. Book a hearing check today.

Campaign Communication Kit for Parents and Teachers

This kit has been developed to help build an understanding of the importance of maintaining hearing health at all stages of life and the long-term benefits of routine preventative care.

Campaign Communication Kit for Workplaces

This kit has been developed to help build understanding of the importance of maintaining hearing health at all stages of life and the long-term benefits of routine preventative care.

Hearing check audio – First Nations

Hearing well keeps you connected with family and friends, community and culture. Help for hearing loss is available. Ask your doctor or health worker about a hearing check.

Protect your hearing

This fact sheet includes information about protecting your hearing.

Information for health care settings



Get Help for Your Hearing Health – 30 seconds

Having a hearing test helps to detect the early signs of hearing loss, so we can keep our hearing healthy for longer. Get help for your hearing health. Book a hearing check today.

Get Help for Your Hearing Health – Birthday – 15 seconds

Having a hearing test helps to detect the early signs of hearing loss, so we can keep our hearing healthy for longer. Get help for your hearing health. Book a hearing check today.

Get Help for Your Hearing Health – Cafe – 15 seconds

Having a hearing test helps to detect the early signs of hearing loss, so we can keep our hearing healthy for longer. Get help for your hearing health. Book a hearing check today.


Ways to manage hearing loss

This infographic outlines ways to manage hearing loss and has been translated into:

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Ways to look after your hearing

This infographic outlines ways to look after your hearing. It has been translated into:

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"I can hear rain again" – Image

This infographic is a social media image for sharing

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