Book a hearing test
A hearing test checks how well you can hear different sounds. It is performed by an audiometrist or audiologist.
You don’t need a referral from your doctor to book a hearing test.
You can look for a hearing clinic in your area by using the healthdirect Service Finder.
Test your hearing online
The Know Your Noise online hearing test measures how well you can hear in a noisy background. It can identify if your hearing is showing signs of damage.
This online test is not a substitute for a hearing test by a qualified clinician. If you have concerns about your hearing, you should book a hearing test with an audiometrist or audiologist.
If you experience sudden hearing loss or pain in your ear you should seek treatment at an emergency department or call 000.
Subsidised hearing services
Our Hearing Services Program provides eligible people with access to a range of fully subsidised hearing services, including a hearing assessment. You can check your eligibility for the program by visiting the Hearing Services Program website.
If you’re not eligible for the program, you may be able to get a Medicare rebate for some hearing tests. Subsidies may also be available through your private health insurance.