The Get behind it! Community Roadshow for the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program launches with the Western Sydney Wanderers.
Bowel cancer survivor, Chris, tells his story about detecting bowel cancer through the free National Bowel Cancer Screening Program test and his successful treatment.
The roadshow makes it to the Northern Territory and covers an amazing 6,400 km from Sydney to Darwin, Katherine and Alice Springs!
Rod, from First Nations group Burbangana, in the Northern Territory.
The Get behind it! team set up at the Wurli-Wurlinjang Health Centre in the Northern Territory.
First Nations Carins Councillor, Trevor Tim, visits the Get behind it! team. Trevor is a long‑term supporter of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program.
Cairns Mayor, Amy Eden, visits the roadshow in Cairns and gives us her support for the program.
Mayor of Burdenkin Shire Council, Pierina Dalle Cort, stops by Ayr Woolworths in Queensland to meet the Get behind it! team.