I'm Caitlin, I'm 33, I'm originally from London, but moved to Australia around five years ago and I'm now based in Sydney. For work, I'm a quality and regulatory manager in the food and dietary supplement sector. I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 2020, and aside from the usual symptoms of bowel disease, the side effects I wasn't expecting as much included the fatigue, the joint pain, making it harder to plan my life, especially during work and study. I currently take three medications, and one of these medications is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme. 60-day prescriptions will certainly help me be able to deal with the unpredictability of ulcerative colitis, ensuring I'm not going to get caught short in running out of medication. Especially when you're having to handle things, such as a full-time job, study, and your life outside of this condition. If you were wondering if 60-day prescriptions would be right for you, the first thing to do is to talk to your GP or nurse, and find out if they suit you and your medical circumstances.
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