With 60-day prescriptions, some medicines are now cheaper for a lot of ongoing health conditions.
Under the PBS, the Government already pays part of the cost of many prescription medicines, making them cheaper for you to use.
Now, some medicines on the PBS can be prescribed for 60 days at once, giving you twice the medication on a single prescription.
Medicines included in the measure will become available in stages.
By September 2024, 60-day prescriptions will be available for more than 300 medicines on the PBS.
60-day prescriptions could mean less trips needed to get your medicines, and more time and money saved for you.
Plus, the money saved by the Government as a result of 60-day prescriptions will go towards helping community pharmacies.
If you are currently paying a reduced price or getting your PBS medicines for free under the Closing the Gap Co-payment Program, this arrangement will remain in place, even if your doctor writes you a 60-day prescription. So if you have an ongoing health condition that’s managed with a medicine that’s on the PBS, have a yarn with your doctor or health worker to see if a 60-day prescription is right for you. Visit health.gov.au/cheapermedicines to find out more.